I was walking down the stairs when I first caught a glimpse of her. And for the first time, I was not the only one. She too looked at me as she was walking past the pillar. It was sudden and the pull was so strong that we both were not able to pull away from looking at each other. I kept walking and so did she. We were both heading towards one another. It was then that I realised that her dad was walking with her. She did not seem to mind that her dad was there, but all of a sudden, I pulled away my gaze and looked at her dad who was looking at me. I gave a quick smile that was intended at nobody in particular and walked away. I have always had a bad experience when it comes to parents. Dads especially.
I was not sure as to what was it that got her so hooked to me. She stayed on my mind for a while before other thoughts took over. There was a lot to be done and I had just woken up. I headed to the grocery shop. I finished making the purchase and was heading out when bang, she walked in! And this time she was so stupefied seeing me that her legs froze and inertia made her lose her balance. If it were not for her father, she would have fallen down. It all happened in one swift motion. I kept walking and she kept staring at me. She did not blink. Should I have stopped? Should I have braved her dad and done something?
Nah. I have better things to do in life, I thought to myself. There was hardly any chance of anything coming out of it. For the first time in my life, I had managed to get a girl to freeze looking at me. It was good feeling. Let it remain that way, I told myself. I managed to bowl a girl over (with my looks?).
So what if it was just a 2 year old? Today was my day and nothing could change that