I am very apprecating you for your prompt and kind cooperation.
I am sorry that you could not pick the 139 buckets in Hanyang steel in Incheon in the 25th of this month, because the day was X-mas holiday in Korea. If you would inform me the pick up yesterday, I would arrange the pick up. So today we have waited for your logistics company, but no informations. So I have called on Thailand office and I knew that You and miss Sahatai have holidays.
So we have discussed the pick up schedule with Miss Tentan and Miss Puntan. I am also very appreciating you for their very kind discussion. They have proposed me that they will pick the buckets up in the first monday of the 5th of the new year of 2015. In the case our company should pay special penalty to Korean Custom due to overtie of five years limitation by returned goods. And also we should pay penalty fee to Banks and investment company due to repeated delay of the bucket.
That is ;
Since the end of 2009 we have kept 139 EA buckets (122 EA Hip'ed and 17EA green cast) of 9e, 1st. stage. Now is 5 year limitation and the first month will be the 6th year from the first delivery year of 2009. And aslo Chromalloy had agreed to pick the buckets up in the last year and the delivery has been postponed until now.
Therefore I am asking you on coming Monaday (29th) or Tuesday (30th) in this month at least. In the 31th of the last day in this year only few people are working near to holiday .
I am very sorry to disturb your holidays, but I need your help very urgently to allow to pick the buckets up at Hanyang Steel in coming Monday (29th) or Tuesday (30th) of this year to avoid serious troubles and conflickts with Costom, banks and investment companies.
Have a great holidays and A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I am looking forward to your reply asap..