In my opinion, some of your answer should have more details to make it clear. For example, you reply “Chiang Mai” to be your answer but in answer key is “The Nook Suai Hotel, Chiang Mai”. Most of your answer was not complete and some answer was incorrect. From the answer key, Dates to do bird watching activity was 21st to 29th of November but your answer was 25-29 November, Duration of bird watching activity was 2 days excursion but your answer was 4 days, who to contact was Khun Win Chaffinon but your answer was Kun win caffino, telephone number was 053 798 241 but your answer was 053 799241. You did not do task 1 complete because you did not use a worksheet from the attach file in task 1 and you forgot to do questions 2 (Tick the strategies that you use) that you must do because it is a criteria for task 1 so I will assess your point from your work. For my strategies beside questions 2 was as follows ; First, I read all of questions that I must answer in this task to make myself know what things do I have to taking note. When I know what is main point I must focus on it so I’m try to listen to the attachment from this task. When I hear something that I think it is relating with questions that I read before, I also taking note. If I can’t understand or listen clearly then I use the script from the resources to make it easy to find the answer.