The therapy was composed of ten exercises to be
performed assisted by a homework manual, and
comprised the following sequentially facial expressions:
raising eyebrows (surprise face); pulling eyebrows
downwards and inwards (anger expression);
raising the outer edges of the nostrils forming diagonal
lines on the bridge of the nose (disgust expression);
closing the eyes tightly tightening (expression
of closing eyes as an object would hit someone);
with the lips together, getting the corners towards
the ends (smile expression with lips closed); with
the lips together, squeezing tightly (suck or sip a
liquid); joining lips and compressing cheeks (puffing);
raising and projecting forward upper lip (crying
expression); pulling the mouth corners up and
out (laugh); and projecting forward the lower lip
(pout expression). The external massage was performed
using gentle circular and eight figure movements
on the face, and intraoral massage entering
one or two fingers on the inside of the cheek.