card holders. This finding of mechanium to cotit tol kpending b cousi Multivariate Analysis 1.1 Debit Card Holding and Use we estimate a series of probit regressions. The previous uni- To further examine debit card For this reason variate results indicat that card holding is itself an important determinant of m n. "e first predict debit card houting among checking accoutit bolders: the results ure shown in the first column in t 6. The second columt shows the results of a probit prndicting debit card asc mons the same set of baukud households. The third column shows tesults from predicting debit card use, restricting the sample to debit card holders card holding. The first column shows that age. education, and regional variation drive debit Debit card holding is monotonically decreasing with age. Respondents in the youngest age category(age 18 to 24) are predicted to be the most card, at st percent. This percentage likely to hold a debit drops to 51 percent in the 55-64 age category and down to 65 percent for households age 65 and older. The appear between those with no college education and those with tional differences at least some years in college. Divorced respondents are more likely to use debit, perhaps due to the increased likelihood of paying interest on revolving credit card debt. The analysis al o shows regional variation, with households in the west much more likely to have a debit card These differences in predicted debit card holdings may result from difierences in the underlying desire to use debit or from other sources, Households without debit cards may choose not to have them because they would tot use them. Another explanation is that supply-side factors may affect card ownership. For example, some people may choore not to have a debit card because they have Another approach would be to jointly estimate t household's decisions to hold a debit card and to use it. To obtain identification in such a model would require variables that affect one decision but not the other; we have been unable to find such variables in this survey