Buddhism originated in India, where Gautama Buddha was enlightened under the Bodhi
tree and then set forth to spread his message of enlightenment, compassion, and peace.
Buddhist teachings and practices have greatly influenced Chinese culture and religion for
millennia (Mitchell 2002). The fundamental concerns of Buddhism are as follows: To
identify the inner causes of suffering, embrace the possibility of freedom from suffering,
and explore the means by which one can realize such freedom (Wallace and Shapiro 2006).
Through Buddhist practice, people could gradually approach the ultimate goal of life.
Gautama Buddha described the ultimate goal, Nirvana, as the complete cessation of
craving (Mitchell 2002). Another word the Buddha used to describe Nirvana was peacefulness,
which refers to a status of being “unmoved” by life events that would ordinarily
shift one into negative states of mind (Mitchell 2002). It was believed that even though a
nirvanic person is not immune to things such as sickness or death, he or she can experience
a “peaceful and calm” state of mind when facing ills. Therefore, according to Buddhism,
maintaining inner peacefulness is the ideal mental state that one should long for.
As can be seen, all three schools of ancient teaching that have influenced Chinese
culture emphasize the importance of maintaining inner peace and harmony. This accords
with previous findings that Chinese people value LAP affect (Tsai et al. 2006) and a
harmonious state of happiness (Lu and Gilmour 2004). Therefore, we introduce a new
construct, peace of mind, to describe the type of affective well-being valued within Chinese
culture. Peace of mind is characterized by the affective states of internal peace and harmony.
The experience of internal peace captures the states of mind included in the LAP
affect (e.g., peaceful, calm, and serenity), whereas internal harmony captures the states of
mind that include balance and harmony. According to previous research, emotions can be
differentiated into “cognitive-independent” and “cognitive-dependent” emotions (see
reviews of Niedenthal et al. 2006). The former indicates the set of “basic” emotions that
are fundamental elements of emotional life, such as emotions classified in the affect
circumplex (e.g., LAP affect); the latter indicates more complicated emotions that rely on
cognitive evaluation before they emerge. We further regard internal peace as a cognitiveindependent
emotion because it includes emotions that cover LAP affect. On the other
hand, in Taoism, harmony stands for the dynamic balance between opposing elements (Lee
et al. 2009) which we suggest depends on cognitive evaluation, and as such, we regard
internal harmony as reflective of cognitive-dependent emotions. We suggest that the two
aspects of PoM are reciprocally related such that people can either achieve internal peace
through the process of harmony, or achieve inner harmony through maintaining a peaceful
state of mind. We therefore suggest that individuals with peace of mind would experience
both internal peace and harmony as one coherent state.
Buddhism originated in India, where Gautama Buddha was enlightened under the Bodhitree and then set forth to spread his message of enlightenment, compassion, and peace.Buddhist teachings and practices have greatly influenced Chinese culture and religion formillennia (Mitchell 2002). The fundamental concerns of Buddhism are as follows: Toidentify the inner causes of suffering, embrace the possibility of freedom from suffering,and explore the means by which one can realize such freedom (Wallace and Shapiro 2006).Through Buddhist practice, people could gradually approach the ultimate goal of life.Gautama Buddha described the ultimate goal, Nirvana, as the complete cessation ofcraving (Mitchell 2002). Another word the Buddha used to describe Nirvana was peacefulness,which refers to a status of being “unmoved” by life events that would ordinarilyshift one into negative states of mind (Mitchell 2002). It was believed that even though anirvanic person is not immune to things such as sickness or death, he or she can experiencea “peaceful and calm” state of mind when facing ills. Therefore, according to Buddhism,maintaining inner peacefulness is the ideal mental state that one should long for.As can be seen, all three schools of ancient teaching that have influenced Chineseculture emphasize the importance of maintaining inner peace and harmony. This accordswith previous findings that Chinese people value LAP affect (Tsai et al. 2006) and aharmonious state of happiness (Lu and Gilmour 2004). Therefore, we introduce a newconstruct, peace of mind, to describe the type of affective well-being valued within Chineseculture. Peace of mind is characterized by the affective states of internal peace and harmony.The experience of internal peace captures the states of mind included in the LAPaffect (e.g., peaceful, calm, and serenity), whereas internal harmony captures the states ofmind that include balance and harmony. According to previous research, emotions can bedifferentiated into “cognitive-independent” and “cognitive-dependent” emotions (seereviews of Niedenthal et al. 2006). The former indicates the set of “basic” emotions thatare fundamental elements of emotional life, such as emotions classified in the affectcircumplex (e.g., LAP affect); the latter indicates more complicated emotions that rely oncognitive evaluation before they emerge. We further regard internal peace as a cognitiveindependentemotion because it includes emotions that cover LAP affect. On the otherhand, in Taoism, harmony stands for the dynamic balance between opposing elements (Leeet al. 2009) which we suggest depends on cognitive evaluation, and as such, we regardinternal harmony as reflective of cognitive-dependent emotions. We suggest that the twoaspects of PoM are reciprocally related such that people can either achieve internal peacethrough the process of harmony, or achieve inner harmony through maintaining a peacefulstate of mind. We therefore suggest that individuals with peace of mind would experienceboth internal peace and harmony as one coherent state.
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