The optimal formulation to produce gelatin-CMC-xanthan gum
film has been determined based on the comparison on the
desirable properties exhibited by all the formulations from the test
conducted. Formulation A with 5% (w/w solid) xanthan gum was
found to be the optimal formulation. The least amount of xanthan
gum as an additive component in gelatin-CMC
film offered more
desirable properties among the other formulations, since it
produced a
film with lower moisture content, the highest barrier
of UV light transmission, the most transparent characteristic, the
lowest water vapour permeability, the highest tensile strength and
elongation at break point and higher puncture force. The use of
xanthan gum a non-gelling nature, as an alternative crosslinking
agent in gelatin/CMC
film blend have formed a compatible blend of
film and improved several physical and mechanical
properties of gelatin/CMC
film blend alone. As compared to control
film (gelatin-CMC
film), Film A is thicker, but its thickness value is
still in the range of the standard
film thickness value and has lower
moisture content, lower UV light transmission, similar glass
transition and melting temperature, higher puncture force and
lower puncture deformation. Therefore, by having these proper-
ties, we suggest that these composite
films may be applicable as
primary packaging material. However, Film A has higher water
vapour permeability, lower tensile strength and lower elongation
at break than control. Thus, it may require the protection of outer,
secondary packaging.