Chitosan (CS) is a reproducible resource and environmental
friendly material which can be completely degraded by the chitosan
enzyme, bacteriolysis enzyme and animalcule [17]. Particularly,
chitosan, a derivative from N-deacetylation of chitin, has been
found to be capable of chemically or physically adsorbing various
heavy metal ions [18]. Previous investigations have demonstrated
that chitosan dydrogel beads are porous and stable in aqueous
phase, and effective to remove copper, mercury ions, andchromium
[19,20]. However, there are scarce studies of reduction of Cr (VI)
using entrapment of nanoscale zero-valent iron in CS beads (CSNZVI
Chitosan (CS) is a reproducible resource and environmentalfriendly material which can be completely degraded by the chitosanenzyme, bacteriolysis enzyme and animalcule [17]. Particularly,chitosan, a derivative from N-deacetylation of chitin, has beenfound to be capable of chemically or physically adsorbing variousheavy metal ions [18]. Previous investigations have demonstratedthat chitosan dydrogel beads are porous and stable in aqueousphase, and effective to remove copper, mercury ions, andchromium[19,20]. However, there are scarce studies of reduction of Cr (VI)using entrapment of nanoscale zero-valent iron in CS beads (CSNZVIbeads).
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