7. Rafael Bombelli authored l’Algebra (1572, and 1579), a set of three books. Bombelli introduces a notation for √ −1, and calls it “piu´ di meno”. The discussion of cubics in l’Algebra follows Cardano, but now the casus irreducibilis is fully discussed. Bombelli considered the equation
x3 = 15x + 4
for which the Cardan formula gives
x =
3 q2 +√−121 + 3 q2−√−121 Bombelli observes that the cubic has x = 4 as a solution, and then proceeds to explain the expression given by the Cardan formula as another expression for x = 4 as follows. He sets 3 q2 +√−121 = a + bi from which he deduces 3 q2−√−121 = a− bi and obtains, after algebraic manipulations, a = 2 and b = 1. Thus x = a + bi + a− bi = 2a = 4
7. Rafael Bombelli authored l’Algebra (1572, and 1579), a set of three books. Bombelli introduces a notation for √ −1, and calls it “piu´ di meno”. The discussion of cubics in l’Algebra follows Cardano, but now the casus irreducibilis is fully discussed. Bombelli considered the equationx3 = 15x + 4for which the Cardan formula givesx =3 q2 +√−121 + 3 q2−√−121 Bombelli observes that the cubic has x = 4 as a solution, and then proceeds to explain the expression given by the Cardan formula as another expression for x = 4 as follows. He sets 3 q2 +√−121 = a + bi from which he deduces 3 q2−√−121 = a− bi and obtains, after algebraic manipulations, a = 2 and b = 1. Thus x = a + bi + a− bi = 2a = 4
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