Good night Yuva.
Roxy is easier to ware out when there is another dog there to compete with her for the ball and
attention. She wore out before I did! But she also recovers faster than I do! So I guess I have the
endurance, but not the recovery. She has recovery and not as much endurance. Interesting
combination. Of course it doesn't take much to throw a ball for two dogs. As a kid, I use to
spend all my free time playing baseball or football. I may have been smaller than all the other
kids, but I made up for it in heart and ability. I could throw farther and more accurately than all
the other kids. And I wasn't the slowest kid on the field. So yeah, keeping up with Roxy is easy.
Wanting to get up and go do it again, now thats a different story! :-)
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. You are always my first and last thought of the day.