Cultural Globalization
- Mostly culture relates to religion
- Cultural pluralism: there can be different kind of group, people, culture, community, religion language etc., but they can live together without a big problem.
- Cultural assimilation: a bigger cultural group discriminates other smaller cultural group
- Cultural influence: bigger cultural group influence small group little by little
- Group foreign-origin acculturation: sharing some kind of some original cultures ex. culture A, culture B and culture C are different culture, but all come from the same original culture.
- Cultural appropriation:
คือการที่เรานำวัฒนธรรมของคนกลุ่มน้อยที่มีประวัติอันยาวนานว่าเคยถูกกดขี่ ข่มเหง และช่วงชิงหลายๆอย่างไป มาใช้ในชีวิตของเราโดยที่ไม่รู้ โดยที่ไม่เข้าใจ โดยที่ไม่มีการเคารพ
refers to picking and choosing elements of a culture by a member of another culture without permission. This includes traditional knowledge, religious symbols, artifacts or any other unauthorized use of cultural practice or ideation
- Cultural Imperialism: promoting the culture or language of one nation to another by using media ex. song, movie, series, book etc. to promote their culture. No one force you. It will replace your culture little by little.