Enhancing a Tabular Report
Let's learn how to make some enhancement to the summary table by opening the task in advanced view :
To start, we right click summary tables task and select open > open in advance view. Notice that the selections we made using the wizard in the last demonstration are passed to the task.
Let's go to the summary tables page. Notice that the variables that were assigned to task rows on the data page are listed in the available variables box. the special variable, all, is also listed here because it was added by the wizard for the total column and roe. The statistics you can add to the summary table are listed in the available statistics box. You can add one or more strstistics to the table by selecting them and dragging them into the table. In the wizard, the preview was a simple sketch of the table. In the summary tables task, the preview is interactive, and you click in the preview area to customise the table.
At the top of the preview area are four buttons that you should know about. The first two enable you to undo and redo the last action you performed in the table. the third button enables you to pivot the table, or exchange rows and columns in your layout. The last button maximises the task window so that you can see the entire table at once. now let's modify the table properties.
First let's change the column heading for customer age group. in the preview area. right click customer age group. notice the selection on the popup menu. heading properties refers to the properties of this heading. class level properties refers to the properties of the data values of customer age group this serve as headings. let's select heading properties and change the heading to profit by customer age group
Let's also edit the column heading for the product line subtotals. We can right click either of the subtotal headings and select heading properties. notice that both subtotal roes are selected. let's change this heading to product line subtotals
Let's also highlight the data in the subtotal rows by using a colour background and font. right lick total again and this time select data value properties in the front tab. let's select the bold italic font style and light green for the background colour. next, let's change the table properties to specify a label for missing values.
Right click anywhere in the purview table and select table properties. In the general tab, change the dot to two asterisks.
Right click in the table again and notice that there is also an option for box area properties. You can use this window to specify and format text for the box area, okay, we are finished with the changed we are going to make.
Let's run the task and overwrite our last results. The report looks great ! Let's rename the task profit by customer age group and save the project. You've learned hoe to create a summary table using options in the wizard and task