The rehabilitation program was conducted according to
previously published guidelines of the French Cardiological
Society.17 It was preceded by a consultation inclusion directed
by a cardiologist and a clinical examination including
measurement of blood pressure, echocardiography, stress
testing, and blood tests. It was a multidisciplinary program
of 8-weeks, and it consisted of physical activity and educational
sessions. The physical activity program included 13
hours of exercise per week (2–3h/d, 5d/wk), conducted
under the supervision of a physiotherapist or a sports teacher
and nurse. It included 6 sessions of 71 minutes of IT or 61
minutes of CT, 4 hours of gymnastics, and 3 hours of
balneotherapy (gymnastics in water). Gymnastic training
consisted of a 5-minute warm-up followed by 45 minutes of
strengthening exercises, stretching, and relaxation. The program
also included therapeutic educational sessions on risk
factors and physical practice.