3.Review of pertinent labs (hemoglobin, hematocrit, and prothrombin time; international normalized ratio [INR]; homocysteine levels)
4.Lower-extremity examination (functional ability, perfusion status, presence or absence of pedal pulses, ankle brachial index [ABI], dermatologic status, localized inflammation, edema, wound characteristics, complications)
5.Diagnostic evaluation with one of the following option: duplex imaging, Doppler ultrasonography, photoplethysmography, air plethysmography, venography
6.Assessment of factors that may impede healing
7.Monitoring the percentage change in ulcer area to assess healing
8.Referral when appropriate (cellulitis, deep vein thrombosis [DVT], variceal bleeds, wounds that are atypical in appearance or location, and wounds that are unresponsive to 2 to 4 weeks of appropriate therapies)