6. in cOnclusiOn
In summary, Liquidity Risk Management is far from a standalone element. It clearly needs to be paired with Asset-/Liability Management and sophisticated Profitability Analysis, because Liquidity Risk is ultimately about the bank’s long term survival. So, rather than just being another compliance exercise, this new addition to the world of risk ought to be tackled in an integrated balance sheet management context, comprising all aspects, including Interest Rate Risk Management, Margin Planning, Profitability as well as Capital Budgeting. This helps banks to improve Transparency about liquidity buffer decisions, attain better Efficiency in assessing their balance sheets and superior identification of Network effects in their liquidity interconnections.
about the author: David Renz, Director Risk Advisory with SunGard’s Ambit. In this capacity, he advises banks on Asset-/Liability Management and Liquidity Risk. David holds an MA in Economics from the University of Zurich, where he studied Macroeconomics and Monetary Theory.
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