Results and Discussion
Growth characters- as influenced by irrigation regimes and potato cultivars
(i) Plant height
The growth of potato plant as evident from plant height was significantly
influenced by different irrigation treatments (Table1). Significant differences were
observed among irrigation treatments of which I4 (IW/CPE ratio of 1.00 having 5-
irrigations) treatment produced the highest plant height (39.67cm), and I1
(IW/CPW ratio of 0.25 having 2-irrigations) the lowest (33.56cm) among the
irrigation treatments. However, the lowest (28.71cm) plant height was observed in
the control treatment. The growth rate of plants (in respect of plant height) are
shown in Fig.2
Different cultivars had significant effect on plant height as revealed form
Table2. Cultivar Heera produced statistically tallest (37.54cm) plants than did the
rest of cultivars. Binella produced the lowest (30.16cm) plant height while Cardinal
was intermediate of Heera and Chamak.
The interaction of irrigation regimes and potato cultivars did not exert any
significant influence on plant height (Table-3)