Entire Map:
Displays the entire map in the map window.
Redraws the contents of the map window.
Measure Distance:
Allows you to measure the distance and the angle between two points in the map window.
The mouse pointer will change into a pair of compasses, then:
draw a line between two points of interest.
Allows you to roam through the map window when zoomed in.
The mouse pointer will change into a hand, then:
click somewhere in the map window, and drag this part of the map window to another position.
Zoom In:
Allows you to zoom in on a selected spot or area in the map window.
The mouse pointer will change into a magnifying-glass with a large plus inside, then:
click in the map window to zoom in on that position with a factor 2, or
drag the mouse pointer in the map window from one corner of interest to another (any zoom in factor).
Tip: To zoom in, you can also use the overview window.
Zoom Out:
Allows you to zoom out from a map window.
The mouse pointer will change to a 'magnifying'-glass with a large minus inside, then:
click in the map window to zoom out with a factor 2, or
drag a rectangle with the mouse pointer in the map window; the smaller the rectangle, the more you will zoom out.
Switch off Measure Distance, Pan, Zoom In, or Zoom Out and return to normal pointing mode. The mouse pointer will change back into a normal pointer. You can also press the Esc key or the Ctrl+N keys on the keyboard to return to Normal mode.
Add Layer:
Add another data layer or an annotation text layer to the map window. The Add Layer dialog box will appear.
Remove Layer:
Remove a selected layer from the map window. First select the layer to be removed in the Layer Management pane of the map window.
Save View:
Save the contents of this map window as a map view. When this is the first time you save the map window as a map view, the Save View As dialog box will appear.