TAKE TIME TO RELAX. Cope with your excess tension before and between exams through rest, exercise and deep muscle relaxation. For example, long walks and bike rides are excellent ways to release nervous energy and maintain your stamina for the duration of your exam period.
ADOPT A POSITIVE APPROACH. To avoid becoming too anxious, look at the exam as the application step of your study efforts, instead of a threatening new experience.
ANXIETY IS CONTAGIOUS. Keep away from people who are highly anxious before exams, because their nervousness may tend to increase your own.
PLAN REWARDS. Schedule a meal, a movie, a handball game, a visit with a friend periodically throughout finals. Plan a treat when they're all done. These help keep your spirits up.
SCHEDULE FOR EXAMS. Prepare a general schedule. Write down the time of each exam and plan how much time you can allot to studying for each course; remember that your hardest course will require more time.
START EARLY. Schedule your study periods to avoid last-minute cramming.
ALLOW LARGE BLOCKS OF TIME FOR STUDYING. Block out hour spans for getting down concepts and basic relationships.
ALLOW SHORT PERIODS FOR REVIEW. Use the odd moments, in the shower or walking across campus, for recall and review. Run through the information frequently; this will ensure that you remember it and it will broade your understanding.