The aim of the paper is the examination of the attitudes of the community, which incorporates the entrepreneurs of Istria, Croatia towards the promotion of rural and cultural tourism of the area and the examination of the factors, which formulate their attitudes. An isolated area as is Istria, would be expected that would be willing to open up itself to the world, to compete for tourism inflows and develop in a sustainable way since the region combines both cultural and natural elements as distinct characteristics. This research is part of a wider project called Rural Tour Marketing, which has the intention of promoting a model for the development of rural tourism, in sustainable and innovative ways and is applied in Central Eastern Europe to examine the host community's interest. Limited research has taken place in regard to the residents’attitudes on the promotion of tourism for this area. Residents filled in 350 questionnaires. It was found that residents who are also businessmen in the area are afraid that local culture is in danger to be distorted or destroyed due to tourism increase. It is suggested that partnerships and networks is a prerequisite for the acceptance of the sustainable tourist development of a community. The residents as part of the economic activity of the place need to be incorporated in the process of managing, communicating and advertising the region, realizing the benefits that may exist from such a process. By creating networks among the interested parties involved, the personal but also the common interest will be safeguarded and all activities will be more organized and coordinated.