Ladies and Gentlemen, we have shown that lower taxes should not come at the price of social programs. Our opponents stated that taxes are too high, but they are not as high as many other places. Our opponents also argued that things like our health care system are not working and we should let people pay for better service. However, this also means some people get no service like in the United States. Do we want a country of people who are petrified about losing their health benefits? We on the negative do not want to live in that kind of world. You may think that our opponents are correct when they state that many people abuse social services. But what about the child who needs to eat or the elderly woman on a fixed income? Are they abusing the system? No! As my partner has proven, the vast majority of Canadians need the social services they get. Finally, the Affirmative has argued that lower taxes will stimulate growth in the economy and we will all be better off. As I stated in my first speech, what lower taxes really do is increase the gap between those with money and those without. The working poor can afford less and the wealthy can afford more. Clearly my opponents’ argument is based on faulty economics. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Negative has proven to you today that the ideas of the Affirmative would rip apart the fabric of our society. We have shown that the current system is superior even if it has its faults. This resolution must fall..