3.2. Results
Overall, there were 106,199 accesses to additional information
in the digital guide about 1208 exhibits resulting in an average of
87.91 accesses per exhibit (SD ¼ 135.08). Accesses ranged between
4 and 2697 per exhibit. As it can be seen in Fig. 2, a large
majority of exhibits (91.2%) had 200 or less accesses, whereas
only a minor number of exhibits (8.8%) attracted substantially
more attention.
In a multiple linear regression analysis with forced entry of the
independent variables, we tested whether the characteristics of the
exhibits representing the categories position, visible features, and
popularity predicted accessing information about the exhibits in
the digital museum guide. In addition, we controlled for the exhibits'
legibility. Please refer to Table 3 for the correlation matrix
between the different predictors and to Table 4 for an overview of