Benchachinda Holding Group was founded in 1990. Presently, the group opertes telecommunications and Information; Communication and Technology under United Information Highway Company Limited (UIH), BB Broadband Company Limited (BBB), BB Content & Multimedia Company Limited (formerly known as Learn2Gether), United Telecom Sales and Services Company Limited (UTEL), United Distribution Business Company Limited (UD) and BB Technology Company Limited (BBTEC)
Though the company's major business counterpart is the Government and government related agencies, a long-time connection between the Company and Thai society was profoundly tangible. As it is reflected in its Mission; to accentuate sense of social responsibility, hence the Rak Ban Kerd Foundation whose aim is to promote ethics which is vital for strong-economy society.
With a strong believe that a waterdrop is somewhat could be united to achieve greatness in anything, Benchachinda seeks to uphold its philosophy in promotion of ethics in and outside workplaces and we hope that "The Power of Waterdrops" could ultimately culminate sustainable growth and development to Thailand and its people..