Despite the enormous efforts had been made and continuing by major pharmacy industry as well as reported academic institution, a huge number of individuals still falls in category of refractory epilepsy. Currently there is no drug which can prevent epileptogenesis so early identification of etiology and form of epilepsy would be helpful in appropriate treatment. Some of these patients could benefit from non-pharmacological treatment modalities, especially epilepsy surgery. Indeed, resective surgery in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy has been shown in a randomized study which provides substantially better outcomes than continued manipulation of AEDs therapy. When pharmacological and surgical approaches are not feasible, stem cell therapies might be an alternative and also offers the additional potential for cell replacement and neural circuit repair. For the treatment of hippocampal sclerosis, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) offer hope that a stem cell cure may be on the horizon for treating some forms of resistant epilepsy