How many "suggestions" do you usually get, and how many do you actually consider? Also, what makes a suggestion more likely to be drawn?
I get them from time to time. Seems like every time I upload something someone tells me they hope I’ll draw the same character(s) again in the future or suggest I do another pic in the same theme with the same or different characters. WHICH IS AWESOME! Because it makes me feel like I did a good job! But it doesn’t mean I’ll actually draw it.
I think looking at what I normally draw and seem comfortable with (theme-wise) will help a lot when it comes to making suggestions. Asking me draw something that’s far off from what I normally draw will most likely not happen.
I guess it all depends on HOW one suggests something.
I mean, it never hurts to ask (nicely)! Just don’t get upset if I don’t draw it ):