The Aroma of South-Indian Filter Coffee!!
Looks like its been ages since i blogged, had my own reasons though. I was thinking what should i blog about now that i'm back and after a series of thoughts, this is where i landed. I know many people have already blogged about the art of coffee making in the past and i'm one more in the list but tell me one thing "Do YOU Like COFFee"?? If you are reading this, then chances are the answer is a resounding yes!
To me coffee is more than just a passion, and nothing beats being with your loved ones relaxing and sipping a hot cuppa while enjoying life. It does not matter either if you have been a lifelong coffee fan, or are just now getting into the experience.
Coffee is one of those joys that can be savored by anyone at any time and research has proved that it is the most favored hot drink of the people all over the world. I wouldn't be wrong if i say it is the biggest TEMPTATION ever.
My friends often tell me I make a great coffee and the secret is I believe a cup of perfect coffee should have the flavor of coffee to suit to your tongue . Being a big coffee fan myself I’ve put quite a bit of research into getting it right. Back then the only coffee i knew was filter coffee, later came the instant versions like Bru and Nescafe. Today there are so many flavors of coffee available in coffee houses like Mocha, Cappuccino, Latte, Espresso but nothing to beat the taste of a traditional filter coffee. South-indians are known for this aromatic coffee. Indian filter coffee even migrated overseas in the early 20th century to Malaysia and Singapore.
Like many, even i got a filter this time when i went to India along with the traditional steel tumblers and trust me you can feel the real taste of Filter coffee when it is served hot and frothy in the tumbler.
The filter has an upper chamber with a perforated bottom, the coffee powder is put in this, covered with plunger or umbrella and enough boiling water to fill the upper chamber and then closed with the lid.
It has a lower chamber where the coffee decoction drips and gets collected. The whole dripping process takes atleast an hour. I prefer to set my coffee filter last thing at night, so the decoction is ready to use in the morning. The extra decoction can be either refrigerated or stored in a cool place for the day.
You will need:
Coffee Powder : 3-4 heaped Tablespoons
Sugar : 1 tsp is good enough (for 2 cups)
Milk : As desired
Fill the upper part of the filter with coffee powder. Slightly tap on the counter, a few times and place the plunger on the top.
Place the upper container over the lower one.
Pour hot water very slowly. Close and allow the decoction to collect into the lower container.
Heat milk till it reaches boiling point. You may add sugar now.
Add decoction as desired (4-5 tablespoons) and turn off the gas IMMEDIATELY.
Increase the decoction as per taste if you prefer your coffee really dark and strong.
Serve hot and frothy