For instance, information on the soil types of the area, which was
extensively used in the exposure analysis in the appended risk
assessment, was not provided as part of the description of the
environment in the EIS per se. Also, information on frequency of
visitors to the public land use areas was vague. Finally, no attempts
were made to characterize the extant mortality and morbidity
levels and distribution in the study area. The WIPP SEIS
emphasized those aspects of the environment relevant to health, but
still some deficiencies were observed, for example, the lack of
mortality and morbidity data and the absence of information on the
activity patterns of the population living in the immediate environsof the project.
For instance, information on the soil types of the area, which wasextensively used in the exposure analysis in the appended riskassessment, was not provided as part of the description of theenvironment in the EIS per se. Also, information on frequency ofvisitors to the public land use areas was vague. Finally, no attemptswere made to characterize the extant mortality and morbiditylevels and distribution in the study area. The WIPP SEISemphasized those aspects of the environment relevant to health, butstill some deficiencies were observed, for example, the lack ofmortality and morbidity data and the absence of information on theactivity patterns of the population living in the immediate environsof the project.
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