Currently, English is the international language need to communicate and learn whether they are listening, speaking, reading or writing these things are extremely important factor in learning, so we have to see what is. Satisfaction to keep students interested in learning more English. So I think the professor is probably the most important one. However, according to Geringer (2003), the most important factor in student learning progress is the teachers, and teacher quality outweighs other factors such as motivation, funding, and class sizes. Qualified teachers can create the best environment for learning. The students are interested in learning. If you like to learn English with a teacher you. That affects his future as well. I have done research on the Satisfaction towards studying English to native speaker and Thai teacher. For improve teaching and learning in the future. And to get to know the teachers should be teaching me. So that students will be happy to learn. Comprehension and not too Make the conscious effort to learn English more.