Many factors besides a rock song with a
strong beat can be used as motivators. Some
of Jennifer’s extrinsic rewards might include
compliments about the weight she is losing,
or the new blue jeans she is promising herself
when she is ten pounds lighter. However, she
knows that the intrinsic rewards of pride in her
achievement and the feeling of physical wellbeing
are longer lasting and ultimately are
more powerful motivators. She is also aware of
the importance of interpersonal relationships
and emotions as motivators. She is reminded
of a country dance, in that no matter how
physically exhausted the participants are,
when the band strikes up a polka, everyone
enthusiastically joins in. Social relationships
and sharing make the polka an exhilarating
celebration rather than an aerobic exercise.
Being motivated is like finding a strong beat
and a great partner and being able to dance
all night.