Roman law is the legal system of ancient Rome, Roman law that was established in 753, BC by administratively divided into three age generation is the King since 753 - 509 BC. The second is the Republic since 509 - 27 BC. Finally is the Empire from 27 BC -. 565 AD. Roman’s law is influencing Europe, South America and some Asian countries. In the Republic Romans made a new lows, this is a Code 12 (Law of the Twelve Tables) established in 451 BC. The Romans major cause of this Code made up because the conflict between the classes. In those days there stratification into two classes, namely Patricia Marie Sharps (Pratricians) is the ruling class or the elite and landings took place (Plebieans) is the grassroots or lower classes. The conflict stemmed from claims of ordinary people. This suggests that they have been treated unjustly by the ruling class. They are so common that if the law is written notes. To secure freedom for themselves. To know that they have rights, and if the lawsuit. There are ways to fight the case, however the struggle for equality of commoners was successful. Roman’s law has compiled a new law is the law, 12 tables and 12 tables, it has been used for nearly 1,000 years, until the reign of Emperor Justinian (Justinian) has had to settle a new law is codified. By the Code Roman law was compiled from the first time. To gather up Execution of the Law of Justinian the Empire. It works great and important as ever. The preparation of the Code took all seven years, from 528 - 534 AD purpose is to serve as a textbook for students. The law is written and unwritten laws that are effective as well. The Code of Justinian's empire that is very important after the Roman Empire to collapse. Writing various documents and records was destroyed and lost many more. If the discovery of a law of Emperor Justinian I in the 8th century by Italian scholars did not happen, Maybe that European’s law. May still not developed anywhere. Thailand will still use laws enacted now. And the study of Roman’s law that was carried out continuously. causing a law whereby it more. Whether a private law procedure law, public law litigation. Or even law Are all derived from Roman law.