while superoxide mutase and catalase activities slightly varied when adding 5.0 mmol/kg CA and 2.5 mol/kg EDTA to soil as compared to the control, respectively. The concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in shoots were remarkably increased by the addition of 2.5 mmol/kg AA and CA, 5.0 mmol/kg EDTA, and 4.0 g/kg sepiolite as compared to the control. The accumulations of As and Cd were also significantly enhanced in the above condition, while the shoot Pb accumulation was noticeably enhanced by amending with 4.0 g/kg sepiolite and 8.0 g/kg phosphogysum, respectively. The results suggested that AA, CA and sepiolite could be used as optimum soil amendments for giant reed remediation system. Key words: phytoremediation; giant reed; soil amendments; heavy metal contaminated soil; metal uptake