Domestic ticket revenues grew 6 percent in 20 12, but that volume ranks just 13th since 1980. The 1.364 billion tickets sold is down 13 percent from the most recent high in 2002 of 1.575 billion (see Exhibit 2).
2012's record revenues resulted from ticket price increases, not more attendees. Ac $7.94, the average ticket price has risen 24 percent since 2005. But over the Jong term, prices keep pace with inflation, raising questions about the creation of differentiated value (see Exhibit 3).
The long-tenn per-capita trend is negative. In 2012, the average number of films seen per capita was 3.9. In 1946, the peak of movie going in America, the industry sold four billion tickets, and the typical American went to 28 films per year at the theater.
Movies are more widely available than ever, creating new substi tutes for where, when, and how to view rnovies.