„Third Rank Half Emperor, this cultivates is, even if Lin Ye Zhou and Qin Lingyun in his front, is nothing to speak.”
„Feared that is in present Nine Powers all disciple, does not have disciple to be able with him to place on a par.”
„But this Dongfang Imperial Clan, can actually train this kind of talent, thus it can be seen, Nine Powers indeed is unable to place on a par with four big Imperial Clan.”
Chu Feng felt cultivation of Dongfang Zexuan is, Third Rank Half Emperor, was Chu Feng has seen in peer, most formidable, can say that in the junior, he indeed was one can show disdain for existence of outstanding heroes.
So the age, then has achieved Third Rank Half Emperor, then gives him again dozens years, gives him again several hundred years, will his cultivation to have go to what situation?
Perhaps cannot cross for hundred years, he will exceed all powerhouses on the scene, surmounts boundary that [say / way] countless people are unable to surmount, becomes one generation of Martial Emperor.
Like this thinks that this Dongfang Zexuan is crazy, indeed has the crazy capital, this capital, is Lin Ye Zhou and Qin Lingyun does not have.
But besides these Dongfang Imperial Clan people, Chu Feng also noted three groups of troops, their population were not many, each batch were about several, but was actually the strength formidable great people.
These three groups of troops, naturally are Jadewater Temple, Firerain Hall, the Eight Desolate Mountain Range person.
Although, they as a guest come visiting, but all people are clear, they are help Dongfang Imperial Clan.
But their help, is not the help on Martial Power, their help, spread the news, invisible, creates the oppression to World Spiritist Alliance.
Illustrates with examples, if challenge defeat of this Dongfang Zexuan, that.
But if Dongfang Zexuan won, then they are not only the witness of this showdown, will be the disseminator of this event.
They by their aloof status, will disseminate this matter, making all people believe that Dongfang Zexuan by Spirit Formation technique, has defeated the World Spiritist Alliance talent.
At that time, the achievement Dongfang Zexuan fame, but has attacked also the World Spiritist Alliance status.
Suddenly, the Dongfang Zexuan personal appearance moves, then changes to together the golden light, is similar to golden flood dragon generally Ba Kong, afterward rapidly falls, finally leaves the stand, stood in the square most central.
Although, the Dongfang Zexuan movement is very simple, but actually demonstrated that his absolute strength, lets of the same generation a people on the scene is grumbles was inferior that lets the numerous master on the scene, praised without cease.
Even if, inside and outside this moment this square, has been abundance of capable people, but Dongfang Zexuan is here, as before is in the human the dragon, is unmatched.
„I talk clearly the words first, my Dongfang Zexuan does not like wasting the time, you can on.”
„However should better direct faction strongest that in any case result is the same, definitely is I wins.” Dongfang Zexuan tranquil has opened the mouth, expression is the same to his semblance, is disclosing the thick haughty meaning.
„Chief, making me meet a meeting, this Dongfang Imperial Clan three prince.” This in World Spiritist Alliance Chief behind Lin Ye Zhou, has stood.
But in fact, at this time, World Spiritist Alliance can take of the same generation a people who gets rid , are actually not many, Lin Ye Zhou is the best choice, after all he carries, the given name of World Spiritist Alliance first talent.
„Goes, compares notes, till then.”
World Spiritist Alliance Chief, places the great expectations to Lin Ye Zhou, although the theory cultivates is, Lin Ye Zhou definitely is unable to contend with Dongfang Zexuan, even can say that cultivation of two people are, are the day leave badly.
However in the case of Spirit Formation technique, Lin Ye Zhou may have the absolute superiority, after all Dongfang Imperial Clan did not excel in the Spirit Formation technique aspect, but World Spiritist Alliance is actually the Holy Land of Martialism recognition, Spirit Formation technique top influence.
„Compliant.” Lin Ye Zhou pleads successfully, then rose with a spring from stage, stands to be away from Dongfang Zexuan less than hundred meters opposite.
„Three prince, please grant instruction.” After falling, Lin Ye Zhou has been holding holding the fist in the other hand to Dongfang Zexuan, although is makes should the courtesy, but he is also neither arrogant nor servile, poured has also shown the World Spiritist Alliance first disciple status.
„” Dongfang Zexuan has sized up Lin Ye Zhou one, has not said lives, but the corners of the mouth actually raised have wiped contemptuous sneering.
Looks down upon, absolute looking down upon, no matter this Lin Ye Zhou in World Spiritist Alliance, how controlling the forces of nature, but is actually not able to enter the Dong