This research aimed to compare the achievement of learning about soil science. The fourth grade has been learning how to cooperate using jigsaw teaching methods by learning normal
samples used in this study. As a student in the fourth grade at Khok Si Suphan. All schools with 18 schools, the researchers conducted a simple random sampling (lots), then kindergarten Khok Si Suphan. A number of students at four-year total of 52 people, divided into two classrooms of 26 and 26 were used in the study include plans for cooperative learning using jigsaw. Plan regular Test achievement of learning about soil, 40 items will be taught using cooperative learning techniques jigsaw learn about the soil. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation and t-test for Dependent Samples
findings. The
achievement I learned about the soil Grade 4 students have been using cooperative learning techniques jigsaw puzzle. Teaching methods by learning normal. Difference significant at the 0.01 level by Students cooperative learning techniques jigsaw puzzle. An achievement than regular students. The results were consistent with the hypothesis. That the achievement of learning about the soil of students at four-year deal that has been taught by cooperative learning techniques jigsaw puzzle. Higher learning have been normal.