1. If you will be using a magnet to stir your reaction add the magnet to your round bottom flask by turning the flask on its side and
sliding the magnet into the flask. Dropping the magnet into the flask can cause it to break.
2. Clamp the round bottom flask to a ringstand.
3. In a well ventilated room or hood measure out the vinyl acetate indicated below for your experiment using a clean and dry
graduated cylinder.
4. Never return unused vinyl acetate to the original bottle!
5. Pour the vinyl acetate into the round bottom flask.
6. Measure out and add the indicated water to the round bottom flask.
7. Observe the solubility of vinyl acetate and water.
8. Add the indicated drops of detergent or surfactant to the flask.
9. Observe the solubility of vinyl acetate and water.
10. Weigh and add the indicated amount of potassium persulfate.
11. If you are using boiling chips add three at this time.
12. Connect the condenser to the round bottom flask and slowly start the water flowing in the jacket so that water in entering
through the bottom of the condenser and exiting through the top