CT specimens machined from full scale A106 Gr. B pipe. CT specimen having a full-thickness of 0.5T with a
detailed sizes of specimen is tabulated in Table 2. The specimens were oriented such that crack growth was in the
circumferential direction (L-C orientation). In dynamic fracture toughness test, the displacement rate was selected to
cause initiation in approximately 0.2 seconds.
• Full-scale pipe four point bending test.
For full-scale pipe tests, three tests were performed as summarized in Pipe Fracture Encyclopedia. In this paper,
one test was considered to analyze high strain rate effect. For all cases, cracked pipes were subjected to four-point
bending at 288°C. The pipe outside diameter of the pipe was 167.1mm with a wall thickness of 13.1mm. A throughwall
crack which is 35 percent of the pipe circumference was machined into the pipe specimen prior to fatigue
precrack. Specific details of a cracked pipe and schematic of the test configuration for four point bending test are
depicted in Fig. 2 (a), (b). The process of loading the pipe specimen was performed with two interrupted loading
ramps. Each ramp loading was performed at a constant load-line displacement rate of 25.4mm/sec.
2.2. Johnson-Cook model
The Johnson-Cook model is a function of von mises tensile flow stress, in accordance with strain hardening,
strain rate hardening, and thermal softening.
( ( ))1 ln( ) 1
pl n o
eq eq
o melt o
σ ε ε