30 min at 121 C, and incubated in a controlled environment
chamber (24 C in the dark) for 2 days. The sheet with the Trichoderma
colony was removed, and a 6-mm diam. disk of mycelium
of a different Trichoderma isolate to be tested for compatibility
was transferred to the center of the plate (Fig. 1). Petri dishes were
incubated at 24 C in the dark. Colony diameters at right angles
were recorded for 5 days until the stage at which the control (no
previous Trichoderma colony) covered the Petri dish. There were
three replicates per isolate, with each isolate being tested in combination
with each of the other Trichoderma isolates. The area under
the accumulated growth curve (AUAGC) was calculated for
each replicate (Campbell and Madden, 1990) taking the start as
inoculation after removal of cellophane and inoculation with a candidate