• Free to move around the workplace, take restroom and water breaks without restrictions to basic
rights, unless interferes with production and clear guidelines are in place and understood by all.
• Permission is given to leave the facility under reasonable circumstances, such as for personal or
family emergencies, without disciplinary penalty.
• If documents are retained by the facility for safe keeping, clear instructions for return within 2
hours and written consent is given by the person whose documents are being retained in a
language(s) they understand.
• Free to decline overtime work (and without monetary disciplinary action).
• Aware of the overtime policy upon hire (communicated expected overtime hours per day/week/
month, conditions and procedures to opt out)
• A documented process is in place for worker(s) to retrieve personal documents within 2 hours
when necessary. The documentation includes records stating when a request has been made, and
when the documentation has been returned as applicable. Process is written in language
understood by all within the workforce.
• Management Systems are in place to ensure compliance to standard.
3.7. Prison Labor
Standard: The use of involuntary prison labor is never allowed. In some locations, however, it may be
legal to allow prisoners to work voluntarily through the use of an approved government program. In a
situation like this, McKey must be informed prior to the commencement of using prison labor OR prior
to commencing production for McKey.
Expectation: Comply with all regulations governing prison labor and follow McKey’s prison labor
protocol when using government-sanctioned voluntary prison labor.
• Any prison labor used is part of an approved government program. Facility has informed McKey of
the use of approved government prison labor program; and has a signed “Prison Labor Due
Diligence Form” on file.
• Management Systems are in place to ensure compliance to standard.