The success of improving sustainability of T-shirts and similartextile apparel depends strongly on human factor across the entirevalue chain. Convincing the farmers to switching organic agricul-ture is the initial and the most important task in this endeavor.Unfamiliarity with the concept, concerns related to decreased cropyield and financial concerns that come along with it as well asadherence to proven, traditional methods among farmers are themain obstacles that need to be overcome. Although decrease in pro-ductivity is only temporary during the transition period to organicagriculture as supported by the literature, it is still a discourag-ing element to farmers who would suffer yield loss for a few years.Environmental issues associated with chemical fertilizer consump-tion can in many cases be of secondary concern for the farmers. Itis important to note that transition to organic agriculture requirecollective and collaborative action by the farmers due to the verynature and definition of organic agriculture; for instance, pesti-cides and herbicides applied in the neighboring field could easilytransport to a field where organic practices are applied, via windor water, thus disqualifying their cotton from being organic. There-fore, mere publication of the results of the study is not sufficient andthe main conclusions must be communicated on various platformsand disseminated to relevant stakeholders by proper governmentalagencies, farmer unions and NGOs. The large impact from consumeruse phase of the products in all environmental impact categoriesalso calls for campaigns for informing the public on the conse-quences and outcomes of their actions on the environment basedon the results obtained in the study.