9. Noun Omission
Omission: the state of being omitted.This technique is used by the writer to leave out the noun, which have already been mentioned. The writer will use the following words to refer to the noun that has been left out. They are: on, another, the other/others, some, those, all, etc., for example:
Dolphins are easily tamed and can be trained to take food from your hand. Some
will even pull your hands to get a tighter hold.
Two soldiers are standing in front of the camp. One is from Bangkok.
9. Noun OmissionOmission: the state of being omitted.This technique is used by the writer to leave out the noun, which have already been mentioned. The writer will use the following words to refer to the noun that has been left out. They are: on, another, the other/others, some, those, all, etc., for example: Dolphins are easily tamed and can be trained to take food from your hand. Somewill even pull your hands to get a tighter hold. Two soldiers are standing in front of the camp. One is from Bangkok.
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