As mentioned above, these novel techniques opened the way for
a generation of high-performance welding, but the equipment is
relatively expensive and the operation complex. Therefore, the
main idea in this study was to find a method that would provide
a feasible solution, being easy to handle as well as cost-effective.
The review of the literature was concerned with activating flux
when interacting with the liquid metal of the fusion zone in arc
welding [7–10]. This process is characterized by the application
of a fine layer of activating flux on the surface of the base metal.
As a result, the penetration of the weld bead is significantly increased
and its sensibility to the cast-to-cast variations in the composition
of certain residual elements is reduced [11,12]. Many
researchers [13,14] have applied activating flux gas tungsten arc
welding, plasma arc welding, laser welding and so on, but little
work has been done on the GMAW method.
As mentioned above, these novel techniques opened the way fora generation of high-performance welding, but the equipment isrelatively expensive and the operation complex. Therefore, themain idea in this study was to find a method that would providea feasible solution, being easy to handle as well as cost-effective.The review of the literature was concerned with activating fluxwhen interacting with the liquid metal of the fusion zone in arcwelding [7–10]. This process is characterized by the applicationof a fine layer of activating flux on the surface of the base metal.As a result, the penetration of the weld bead is significantly increasedand its sensibility to the cast-to-cast variations in the compositionof certain residual elements is reduced [11,12]. Manyresearchers [13,14] have applied activating flux gas tungsten arcwelding, plasma arc welding, laser welding and so on, but littlework has been done on the GMAW method.
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