„This Miao Ren Long is very intelligent, knows that such character cannot come hardly, after all he needs help from the opposite party.” Regarding the action of Miao Ren Long this low three air/Qi, Eggy appreciation quite.
„Seedling senior is not indeed simple, is adaptable to the situation, not because of present status, but cannot lower the posture, such spirit, being worth me studying.” But Chu Feng, appreciates the Miao Ren Long action similarly very much.
„Senior, this matter indeed is important, therefore the younger generation disturbs your, but also looks at you to help the younger generation, otherwise I print to seal Gu Village, feared that must be in light of this desolate.”
„Senior, the younger generation asked you.” At this moment, Master Ma „plop”, knees down unexpectedly, over the face sincere kowtowing hope.
Compares in Miao Ren Long and others, he desperately hopes that obtains the help of this formation, after all this is related to seal to seal the life or death in Gu Village.
„Ha-ha” at this moment, that wisp of aura has smiled suddenly, smiles is contemptuous, even satirized very much.
But such smiling face, lets the Chu Feng and others brow tight wrinkle, is very speechless, they thought that wants to make this formation help, seemed hopeless.
„To be honest, I sympathize with you really very much, but I want to ask your question.” However, suddenly, that person actually opened the mouth.
„Senior please say.” The horse senior village head, Miao Ren Long, Chu Feng, opens the mouth together, they hope very much that this Formation, can help them, even if this hope, is very uncertain.
„If, four strangers, arrive at your front now, spoke big pile of their pitiful life experiences to you, then wants you to help them, will you help?” That person asked.
„If all are true, in energy of the area of competence, I will decide however will help.” Miao Ren Long said.
„I am also.” The horse senior village heads also nodded.
„In area of competence? Does the help that if they need, want your lives?” That person asked with a smile.
„What? Life” hears this words, Miao Ren Long and horse senior village heads all slightly stares, freely performance is not too obvious, coming out that but Chu Feng looks, this issue has perplexed them.
Everyone lives is not being easy, dies for the beloved person, few people can achieve, dies for the stranger, that simply is the impossible matter.
„Senior, is it possible that you cannot use the formation strength again, if uses again, you will die?”
„Because of this, you rejects our?” Suddenly, Chu Feng opened the mouth.
„This” hears this words, Miao Ren Long and horse senior village head, as well as Sima Ying is the vision dodges, is suddenly enlighted.
They thought at first that this asked such question, but pure to create obstacles for them, after Chu Feng asked this issue, they were actually suddenly enlighted.
formation, some permanent exists forever, but some have use, this Formation, is stimulates to movement by the aura, every time uses one time, the aura is then weak one time, always, met the aura to exhaust on the 1st, formation dissipated.
Now looks like, this Formation, obviously is the latter. Otherwise he, so will not refuse absolutely, is not willing to extend the aid, after all this relates to his life.
„Ha, two lived many years of old man, unexpectedly was inferior that your little rascal is astute.”
„Boy, you said right, the master made me keep here in the past, indeed is makes me help seal seal the person of Gu Village, but he gives my strength , is very limited.”
„Many years ago, to help, seal seals the group of waste of Gu Village, I have consumed many strengths.”
„Now, the master gives my strength, remained not many, if I stimulate to movement formation again, will then die in light of this, this in society, again also altruism.”
„Although, I am only a wisp of aura, although, I can only treat in this place, treats for over ten thousand years, depressed, lives to might as well die.”
„But, so long as thinks that I was dying, but also really does not give up, might as well told you, I have listened to a famous saying, being called the peaceful death might as well barely exist, I am to have profound understanding now.”
„Although, the life is very bitter, lives is being very miserable, so long as is living, died on the ratio.”
„Peaceful death, might as well barely exist.” That person, the forced smile said.