The von Liebig Center typically funds ten to twelve projects annually, which ranged
from 35–60% of the proposals submitted to the center. In order to be considered for
funding, a project must include at least one Jacobs School of Engineering faculty member.5
The first step in the funding process is to submit a Statement of Intent,6 which outlines the
project. After the Statement of Intent is submitted, the Center Commercialization Director
assigns an advisor to the faculty member to help prepare the proposal and presentation to
the review panel. The following month the full funding application7 is submitted. A five to
eight member review panel, with both technical and business expertise, then reviews the
application. The review panel recommends candidates to the Center based on the technology’s
novelty and need, the potential market size, the market definition, the
technology’s maturity, the utility of the grant, the intellectual property position, and the
Principle Investigator’s credibility. The final funding decision is made with input from
Advisors and Center Staff.