In the Analyze step, the objective is to use the data from the Measure step to begin to
determine the cause-and-effect relationships in the process and to understand the different
sources of variability. That is, in the Analyze step the objective is to determine the potential
causes of the defects, quality problems, customer issues, cycle time and throughput problems,
or waste and inefficiency that motivated the project. It is important to separate the sources of
variability into common causes and assignable causes. Removing a common cause of variability
usually means changing the process, while removing an assignable cause usually involves
eliminating a specific problem. A common cause of variability might be inadequate training of
personnel processing insurance claims, while an assignable cause might be a tool failure on a
There are many statistical tools that are potentially useful in the Analyze step. Among these are
graphical data displays, control charts, hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation,
regression analysis, designed experiments, and failure modes and effects analysis. Discreteevent
computer simulation is another powerful tool useful in the Analyze step. It is particularly
useful in service and transactional businesses, although its use is not confined to those types
In the Analyze step, the objective is to use the data from the Measure step to begin todetermine the cause-and-effect relationships in the process and to understand the differentsources of variability. That is, in the Analyze step the objective is to determine the potentialcauses of the defects, quality problems, customer issues, cycle time and throughput problems,or waste and inefficiency that motivated the project. It is important to separate the sources ofvariability into common causes and assignable causes. Removing a common cause of variabilityusually means changing the process, while removing an assignable cause usually involveseliminating a specific problem. A common cause of variability might be inadequate training ofpersonnel processing insurance claims, while an assignable cause might be a tool failure on amachine.There are many statistical tools that are potentially useful in the Analyze step. Among these aregraphical data displays, control charts, hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation,regression analysis, designed experiments, and failure modes and effects analysis. Discreteeventcomputer simulation is another powerful tool useful in the Analyze step. It is particularlyuseful in service and transactional businesses, although its use is not confined to those types
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