The use of chemical or synthetic antimicrobial agents and food preservatives is one of the oldest techniques for controlling infections and microbial food spoilage. However, due to growing evidences about the harmful effects of synthetic agents, there is also a continuous pressure to reduce the amount of added preservatives (Burt, 2004). Moreover it has also been observed that particularly yeasts increasingly develop resistance against the currently used weak-organic acid preservatives (Loureiro & Malfeito-Ferreira, 1993). Therefore, new natural anti-yeast compounds are being promoted for enhancing the shelf life of foods and for avoiding infections (Feng & Zheng, 2007). Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf (Poaceae), a herb known worldwide as lemon grass is widely used in tropical countries as a source of ethnomedicines ( Ferreira, 1984). In spite of the several studies pertaining to antimicrobial activity of lemon grass oil against bacteria and fungus, very few systematic studies are available on anti-yeast activity