-The manager convenes the group
-shares the problem
-Facilitates group discussion to make a decision
-The manger convenes the group and delegates authority to define the problem and make a decision
Leader-Participation Model
The leader's choice among these decision-making methods depends on the follow factors:
-Decision quality
-Decision acceptance
-Decision time
Charismatic and Transformation leadership
Contemporary leadership interests focus on
-Charismatic leaders
Persons whose vision and strength of personality have an extraordinary impact on others.
Develop special leader-follower relationships and inspire others in extraordinary ways.
-Transformation leadership
Someone who is truly inspirational as a leader an who arouses others
to seek extraordinary performance accomplishments
Qualities of transformation leaders
-Intellectual stimulation
Emotional intelligence and leadership is the ability of people to manage themselves and their relationships effectively.
5 component of emotional intelligence:
-Social awareness
-Relationship management
Gender and leadership
-Both men and women are very similar to one another in terms of psychological properties and that both can be effective leaders.
-Women tend to use interactive leadership that focuses on building consensus and good interpersonal relations through communication and involvement.
-Men seem to portray leadership that relies more on directive and assertive behavior, and using authority in a traditional "command and control" way.