As compared to CoC 671 the CCS%, Sucrose% and Brix% values
of both clones was higher in 10th and 11th month. All these
data indicated that the both the somaclones were early in
maturity than its parent CoC 671. Somaclones TC 922
(317.11 cm) and TC 906 (316.65 cm) recorded numerically higher millable canes height as compared to CoC 671
(307 cm). Somaclones number TC 906 and TC 922 recorded
significantly superior number of internodes (24.22 and
26.11 respectively) as compared to standard check Co
86032 (22.33), significantly superior single cane weight
(2.07 and 2.30 kg) to donor CoC 671 (1.72 kg, 2.74 cm)