ColieAnne91 said:
I hate it.
Smoking disgust me.
i had to do a research paper when i was in my Senior year in high school && i did it over the dangers of Second-hand smoke. i told the long term side effects of it. its not good.
my grandma died last year from lung cancer. she smoked a lot.
now not even an entire year later my grandpa has lung cancer && it is the size of a melon. he is 69 but they say he has a body of a 80 year old man. he only has 3-6 months unless he gets surgery && gets his entire left lung taken out.
i am saying all this cause if you smoke or are thinking about doing it, you should know what your getting in to. && if you dont do it for yourself think of your family. stop doing it or dont do it for them. your not just hurting yourself.
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posted over a year ago