On a further investigation, from the farmers through
an open discussion, it was found that most vegetable
growers, who were using toxic pesticides, on a high
residues level, did not care for the quality of their produce
as they, were neither interested in ensuring the vegetable
safety, nor followed the good agricultural practices,
because of their ignorance or lack of such a training.
It was further noticed that most of farmers did not fallow
the concept of “Good Agriculture Practices”. And they
did not follow the “with holding periods”. A withholding
period (WHP) is the minimum time you must wait between
applying an agrochemical and final harvesting or grazing
of the crop. Such a period allows enough time to decay to
an acceptable level [32]. Most of the vegetable samples
were brought to the market, after first day of spraying,
contained residues, which exceeded their MRLs. Result of
this study, were verified from the study of 33. Although,