ดีเซนโซ, ล๊อบบิ้น, เวอฮัท(Decenzo, Robbins, Verhulst ) (2010) กล่าวว่า “U.S. organization must provide certain benefits to their employees regardless of whether they want to or not,and they must be provided in a nondiscriminatory manner.With a few exceptions, hiring any employee requires the organization to pay Social Security premiums, unemployment compensation,and workers’ compensation. Additionally,any organization with fifty or more employees must provide family and medical leave.Companies either pay premiums associated with many of these legally required benefits or share costs with employees (as in the case of Social Security)to provide each employee with some basic level of financial protection at retirement or termination or as a result of injury.
Social Security
Social Security provides a soure of income for American retirees,disabled workers,and surviving dependents of workers who have died.Social Security also provides some health insurance coverage through the federal Medicare program.In 2007,Social Security paid out $585 bilion to more tham 50 milion eligible works in the United States
Unemployment Compensation
Unemployment Compensation laws provide benefits to employees who meet the following conditions: they are without a job,have worked a minimum number of weeks, have applied to their state employment agency for unemployment compensation,have registered for available work,and are willing and able to accept any suitable employment offered them through their state unemployment compensation commission.”(หน้า 291)