This in itself is an innovation, since there exists
very little empirical evidence surrounding this issue
as it affects any health care sector at all or indeed the
Spanish Health Care System which concerns us here.
Our description of this type of practices is based
on information extracted from a survey conducted
among hospital managers and from their annual reports or year books which provided details of their
organizational structure and performance. Having detected instances of strategic practices, the next step
was to identify groups of individuals engaging in
similar practices, in other words, groups of hospitals
following the same strategies. Finally, we looked to
see whether the strategic practices adopted by these
hospitals had any impact on the results they obtained.
The paper is divided into the various sections, in
the first of which we outline a review of the literature concerning strategy in the hospital sector. This
is followed by a description of the sample and the
statistical techniques used in the analysis. The main
body of the paper is devoted to identifying first of
all the strategies applied by hospitals, then groups
of hospitals following similar strategies and finally
the influence of these strategies on results. The paper
ends by summarising the most significant conclusions
to be made from the investigation.
This in itself is an innovation, since there exists
very little empirical evidence surrounding this issue
as it affects any health care sector at all or indeed the
Spanish Health Care System which concerns us here.
Our description of this type of practices is based
on information extracted from a survey conducted
among hospital managers and from their annual reports or year books which provided details of their
organizational structure and performance. Having detected instances of strategic practices, the next step
was to identify groups of individuals engaging in
similar practices, in other words, groups of hospitals
following the same strategies. Finally, we looked to
see whether the strategic practices adopted by these
hospitals had any impact on the results they obtained.
The paper is divided into the various sections, in
the first of which we outline a review of the literature concerning strategy in the hospital sector. This
is followed by a description of the sample and the
statistical techniques used in the analysis. The main
body of the paper is devoted to identifying first of
all the strategies applied by hospitals, then groups
of hospitals following similar strategies and finally
the influence of these strategies on results. The paper
ends by summarising the most significant conclusions
to be made from the investigation.
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